BIM for Infrastructure: Perspectives from FHWA, HDR, and Michigan DOT
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is changing the way we build – so let’s talk about it. In this panel discussion on BIM, our experts cover everything from evolving data standards to the impacts of FHWA’s Every Day Counts initiatives. Panelists include:
Alexa Mitchell, HDR, a leading consultant in the BIM space
David Unkefer, FHWA, a digital as-built and BIMfi specialist
Tony Kratofil, Michigan DOT, a COO with a vision for digital delivery
Have you been waiting for something that dives into BIM, specifically as it relates to the infrastructure industry? This exciting discussion on the future of our industry is available to watch now!
00:15 – Introductions
02:25 – Overview
03:15 – Panel Discussion
03:31 – BIM & HDR
07:20 – Every Day Counts Program
19:11 – Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)
29:39 – Future Topics – Design & Construction
37:32 – Keeping Up With Changes
41:23 – BIM & Scalability
46:27 – IIJA Impactful Pieces for DOTs
51:15 – IIJA & FHWA
53:41 – IIJA Influence on Design Consulting
57:20 – Final Thoughts
1:02:42 – Recap
1:04:12 – Contact Information
Ron Gant – Sr. Account Mgr., Infotech
A graduate of Mississippi State University, Ron Gant, P.E., is a BIM expert with four decades of experience in infrastructure construction and civil engineering.
Alexa Mitchell – Transportation BIM Program Mgr., HDR
As their transportation BIM program manager, Alexa supports HDR transportation clients in implementing building information modeling processes throughout the project life cycle. Alexa’s 20-plus years of experience includes work in both the public and private sectors, providing program management as well as research and policy development expertise.
David Unkefer – Senior Engineer, FHWA
David is a Senior Construction and Project Management Engineer providing national technical assistance to FHWA and its partners. David has been with FHWA for 30 years holding various engineering and leadership positions in 9 states. He is a Professional engineer with degrees in Civil Engineering from the University of Florida and Purdue University.
Tony Kratofil – COO & Chief Engineer, MDOT
Tony Kratofil, P.E., was appointed Chief Operating Officer and Chief Engineer for the Michigan Department of Transportation in August 2018. As a member of the Director’s Executive Team, he provides leadership and support for planning, designing, operating, and maintaining all aspects of a comprehensive integrated surface transportation system that is responsive to the current and future needs of Michigan’s citizens. Mr. Kratofil has served in a variety of roles with MDOT for over 30 years. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Michigan and a Master of Science degree in Administration from Central Michigan University.

Infrastructure Bill Survival Guide
With $20 billion in discretionary grant funding expected by the end of next year, organizations will need to gear up, staff up, and study up – this survival guide has you covered.